This part-time online, interactive program is focused on your leadership and growth as a worship leader. With 3-5 hours dedicated each week to growing your craft where you're at, you'll develop practical skills from interacting with your team to growing in your ability to lead people who are far from God closer to Him.
No matter what season of life you're in, Radiant School of Worship can help you live out God's calling for your life.
Our class offerings are designed to take students deep into biblical studies, leadership development, ministry experience, and technical training.
Band Dynamics
This class is designed to help worship leaders grow in their band leadership and musical vocabulary. Worship leaders will learn how to communicate to different instruments, effectively run rehearsals and teach new songs. Classes include: music theory, nashville numbers and charts, prophetic musicianship and instruments.
Davidic Worship
This class surveys the life, tabernacle, and worship leadership of David. Students will dive deep into the man after God’s own heart, unpacking who he was as God’s prototype for a worship leader, and how he prophetically foreshadows Jesus Christ. Integral to the life of David is the tabernacle of David. Students will analyze the narrative, liturgy, and theology of the Davidic tabernacle and discover their role in the unfolding restoration of David’s worship expression on the earth.
Everyone has a song within themselves. This course is simple - provide inspiration, guidance, and feedback to remove hinderances to finding your song that the Father sung into you
This class will aim to tackle the main themes of the Psalms. They are more than King David’s personal journaling, they are a collection of songs, prayers, poems, and prophecies that were intended to be Israel’s prayer manual and worship hymn book. This class will provide a basic overview and understanding of the purpose and narrative of the book of Psalms.
Available on-demand!
Wherever you are!
One school year, running from
August 2024 - May 2025
The cost per year is $1500. A minimum $500 deposit is required upon acceptance into the program.